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Scientists have discovered antibiotics which may help in the treatment of cancer.
Posted 31 July 2016 by Admin(NTT)
A team of scientists from Irkutsk, together with German colleagues managed to isolate a new strain of bacteria capable of producing antibiotics, have not been known to medical science. This was reported on the website of the Irkutsk State University. "From the waters of the cave lakes and a substance called" moon milk ", we have identified 10 new strains. Tested all of them and choose the one for which conducted a deeper investigation. It turned out that this strain can produce more than 120 compounds, one hundred of which are unknown to science" - said a senior researcher at the Research Institute of Biology, Irkutsk State University Denis Aksenov-Gribanov. "Moon milk" refers to a whitish gelatinous coating that covers the walls and floor of the cave...Read More
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